To create a morphology list, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# create libraries morphology
Specify the following parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Morphology list name. |
description |
List description. |
threat-lvl |
Threat level:
threshold |
Morphology category weight, which needs to be exceeded for the rule to be triggered. |
url |
If the morphological list is updatable, specify the address from which you want to load updates. |
words |
Words and phrases to add to the list.
To add words and phrases, use the following command: Admin@UGOS# create libraries morphology ... words new word "word or phrase" weight <weight> |
To update morphology list data, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# set libraries morphology <morphology-list-name>
Specify the parameters for which the values will be updated. The parameters are listed in the table above. To add new words or phrases to a list, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# set libraries morphology <morphology-list-name> words new word "word or phrase" weight <weight>
To replace a word in a list, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# set libraries morphology <morphology-list-name> words ( word "old word or phrase" weight <weight> ) word "new word or phrase" weight <weight>
To delete an entire morphology list or words from it, use the following commands:
Admin@UGOS# delete libraries morphology <morphology-list-name>
Admin@UGOS# delete libraries morphology <morphology-list-name> words ( word "word or phrase" weight <weight> )
To display information about all existing morphology lists, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# show libraries morphology
To display information about an individual morphology list, append the list name. To display a morphology list, use the following command:
Admin@UGOS# show libraries morphology <morphology-list-name> words