12.8.2. Configuring users

You configure users at the users user level.

To add users, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# create users user

Available parameters:




Enable/disable the user.


User name.


User login to identify them using a login name and a password. In this case, you will need to configure the captive portal where a user can enter their login name and password for authentication.


User password to identify them using a login name and a password. In this case, you will need to configure the captive portal where a user can enter their login name and password for authentication.


The expiration date for the user account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.


Groups to add the user to.


These are:

  • ip: IP addresses to identify the user. The user must always access the network from the specified addresses.

  • mac: MAС addresses to identify the user. The user must always access the network from the specified addresses.

  • ip-range: IP address range to identify the user. The user must always access the network from an address in the specified range. Format: <IP_start-IP_end>.

  • ip-mac: identify a user via a combination of MAC and IP addresses. The user must always access the network from the specified addresses. Format: <ip‑mac>.


User's email addresses.


User's phone numbers.

To update parameters of a user account, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set users user <user-name>

The list of available parameters is the same as the list for creating a user account.

To delete a user account, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# delete users user <user-login>

You can also delete specific data from a user account. Available parameters are (you must specify parameter values to delete):

  • groups.

  • static-addresses.

  • emails.

  • phones.

To view a user account, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# show users user <user-name>