11.12. Overridden URL categories

The Overridden URL categories library item allows the administrator to assign certain websites categories that are different from the categories assigned by the UserGate team. Such a need may arise if some websites of interest are miscategorized or not categorized at all. To override a website category, follow these steps:



Step 1. Verify the original category of the website.

In the Libraries --> Overridden URL categories section, enter the website address in the verification field and click Check category.

Step 2. Assign a new category.

If the reported category is different from the desired one, click Add and assign up to two new categories.

After a successful category change, the website will be displayed in the website list with the updated categories. The category change date, administrator who made the change, as well as the original and new categories will also be displayed for the website.

When you next check categories for this site, only the new categories and a special category that includes all sites with overridden categories (User overridden categories) will be returned.

The administrator can export the lists of websites with changed categories or import any website lists and assign them the desired categories.