12.5.2. UserGate General Settings

You configure UserGate server general settings at the settings general level. This is the command structure to configure one of the sections (<settings-module>):

Admin@UGOS# set settings general <settings-module>

You can configure the following sections:




Admin console settings (settings general admin-console level):

  • timezone: time zone for your location. Used in rule schedules and for the correct display of time and date in reports, logs, etc.

  • language: interface language:

    • ru: Russian.

    • en: English.

  • webaccess: web console authorization mode:

    • password: authorization using a login and a password.

    • cert: authorization using an X.509 certificate.

  • web-ssl-profile: select an SSL profile to set up a secure channel to access the web console. For more details on SSL profiles, see Configuring SSL profiles.

  • response-page-ssl-profile: select an SSL profile to set up a secure channel to display web resource block pages and the Captive portal authorization page. For more details on SSL profiles, see Configuring SSL profiles.


Configure the exact time settings (settings general server-time level):

  • ntp-enabled: enable/disable the use of NTP servers:

    • on.

    • off.

  • ntp-servers: specify NTP servers (primary and alternate):

    Admin@UGOS# set settings general server-time ntp-servers [ server1 ]
    Admin@UGOS# set settings general server-time ntp-servers [ server1 server2 ]
  • time: set server time (format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, e.g. 2022-02-15T12:00:00; UTC time zone).


Configure UserGate modules (settings general modules level):

  • proxy-port: specify a non-standard port number for connecting to the built-in proxy server.

  • auth-captive: specify a service domain that UserGate uses to authorize users through the Captive portal.

  • logout-captive: specify a service domain that UserGate users use to end their session (logout).

  • block-page-domain: specify a service domain used to display the block page to users.

  • ftp-enabled: enable/disable the module that allows access to FTP server content from a user browser.

  • ftp-domain: specify a service domain to provide an FTP over HTTP connection to users.

  • zone-enabled: enable/disable the tunnel inspection zone:

    • on.

    • off.

  • tunnel-inspection-zone: select a tunnel inspection zone.

  • snmp-engine-id: configure SNMP Engine ID:

    • length <fixed | dynamic>: fixed (8 bytes max; only for text type) or dynamic (27 bytes max.) ID length.

    • type <ip4 | ip6 | mac | text | octets>: SNMP Engine ID format (IPv4, IPv6, MAC address, text, octets).

    • value: ID value.

  • terminal-sever-agent password: configure the password for terminal server agents.

  • lldp: configure the use of Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), which allows the network equipment operating in a local network to notify devices about its existence, send its characteristics to them, and receive similar information from them. These settings are required:

    • transmit-delay: how long the device will wait before sending advertisements to the neighbors after a change in the LLDP protocol's TLV parameter or the local system state (e.g., a changed hostname or management address). Specified in seconds and can take values from 1 to 3600.

    • transmit-hold: the hold multiplier. The transmit delay multiplied by the transmit hold determines the time to live (TTL) for LLDP packets. Can take values from 1 to 100.


Configure the proxy server cache (settings general cache level):

  • caching-mode: enable/disable caching.

    • on.

    • off.

  • exclusions: list of URLs that will not be cached. To remove exclusions, use the following command:

    Admin@UGOS# delete settings general cache exclusions [ <URL> ]
  • max-cacheable-size: maximum size of objects to be cached (in MB).

  • ram-size: RAM size allocated for caching (in MB).


Log Analyzer module settings (settings general log-analyzer level):

  • use-local-stat-server: use the local Log Analyzer:

    • on.

    • off.


Settings to provide access to internal corporate resources through the web portal (settings general proxy-portal level):

  • enabled: enable/disable the web portal:

    • on.

    • off.

  • hostname: name of the host.

  • port: port number.

  • auth-profile: select an authentication profile. For more details on configuring authentication profiles using the CLI, see the section Configuring authentication profiles.

  • auth-template: select an authentication response page.

  • portal-template: select a portal template.

  • enable-ldap: select an AD/LDAP domain for the authentication page:

    • on.

    • off.

  • use-captcha: show CAPTCHA:

    • on.

    • off.

  • ssl-profile: select an SSL profile. For more details on configuring profiles using the CLI, see the section Configuring SSL profiles.

  • certificate: select a certificate.

  • auth-by-cert: enable/disable user authentication using a certificate:

    • on.

    • off.


Configure packet capture (settings general pcap level):

  • type: capture type:

    • no-capture: no capture.

    • one-packet: one packet.

    • previous: previous packets.

    • previous-and-following: previous and following packets.

  • previous-packets: number of previous packets (from 4 to 30).

  • previous-packets: number of following packets (from 2 to 15).


Configure change tracker (settings general change-tracker level):

  • enabled: enable/disable change tracker.

    • on.

    • off.

  • event-tracker-types: change types are set by an administrator. To delete a change type, use the following command:

    Admin@UGOS# delete settings general change-tracker event-tracker-types [ type1 ... ]


Configure UserGate Management Center agent (settings general management-center level):

  • enabled: enable/disable the UserGate Management Center agent.

    • on.

    • off.

  • mc-address: UserGate Management Center server address.

  • device-code: unique device code to connect to the UserGate Management Center.


Configure the schedule to download software and library updates (settings general updates-schedule level).

To configure a schedule to update UserGate software, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set settings general updates-schedule software-updates schedule advanced

You can set up a single schedule to download library updates:

Admin@UGOS# set settings general updates-schedule libraries-updates all schedule advanced

or an individual schedule for each item:

Admin@UGOS# set settings general updates-schedule libraries-updates [ lib-module ... ] schedule advanced

Time is set in crontab format: (minutes: 0-59) (hours: 0-23) (days of the month: 1-31) (month: 1-12) (days of the week: 0-6; 0 is Sunday). You can set each field as follows:

  • An asterisk (*): denotes the entire range (from the first number to the last).

  • A dash (-): denotes a number range. For example, "5-7" means 5, 6, and 7.

  • Lists: comma-separated numbers or ranges. For example, "1,5,10,11" or "1‑11,19-23".

  • An asterisk or range spacing. Used for spacing out values in ranges. The increment is given after a slash. Examples: "2-10/2" means "2,4,6,8,10" while "*/2" in the "hours" field means "every two hours".

To view the update schedule, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# show settings general updates-schedule