12.6.1. Zones

This section is located at the network zone level. To create a new zone, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# create network zone

Provide the following zone parameters:




Zone name.


Zone description.


Protect the zone against network flooding for TCP protocol (SYN-flood):

  • enabled: enable/disable the protection.

    • on.

    • off.

  • aggregate:

    • on: count all packets incoming to this zone interface.

    • off: count packets for each IP address separately.

  • alert-threshold: alert threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, the event is recorded in the system log.

  • drop-threshold: packet drop threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, UserGate drops packets and records this event in the system log.

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Protect the zone against network flooding for UDP protocol:

  • enabled: enable/disable the protection.

    • on.

    • off.

  • aggregate:

    • on: count all packets incoming to this zone interface.

    • off: count packets for each IP address separately.

  • alert-threshold: alert threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, the event is recorded in the system log.

  • drop-threshold: packet drop threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, UserGate drops packets and records this event in the system log.

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Protect the zone against network flooding for ICMP protocol:

  • enabled: enable/disable the protection.

    • on.

    • off.

  • aggregate:

    • on: count all packets incoming to this zone interface.

    • off: count packets for each IP address separately.

  • alert-threshold: alert threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, the event is recorded in the system log.

  • drop-threshold: packet drop threshold; if the number of requests exceeds this value, UserGate drops packets and records this event in the system log.

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Zone access control settings:

  • "Any ICMP": allow use of the ping command to a UserGate address.

  • SNMP: provides SNMP access to UserGate (UDP 161).

  • response-pages: permission to display Captive portal auth and block pages (TCP 80, 443, 8002).

  • rpc: control XML-RPC: enables API control of the product (TCP 4040).

  • ha: service required to combine multiple UserGate nodes into a cluster (TCP 4369, TCP 9000-9100).

  • VRRP: required for combining several UserGate nodes into a HA cluster (IP protocol 112).

  • "Admin Console": access to the management web console (TCP 8001).

  • DNS: provides access to the DNS proxy service (TCP 53, UDP 53).

  • "HTTP Proxy": access to the HTTP(S) proxy (TCP 8090).

  • "Authorization agent": server access required for Windows authentication agents and terminal servers (UDP 1813).

  • "SMTP Proxy": service to filter SMTP traffic for spam and viruses. Required only when publishing a mail server to the Internet.

  • "POP3 Proxy": service to filter POP3 traffic for spam and viruses. Required only when publishing a mail server to the Internet.

  • "CLI over SSH": access to server to manage it via CLI, port TCP 2200.

  • VPN: provides server access for connecting L2TP VPN clients (UDP 500, 4500).

  • SCADA: SCADA traffic filtering. Required only for SCADA traffic control.

  • "REVERSE PROXY": service required to publish internal resources using Reverse Proxy.

  • "PROXY PORTAL": service required to publish internal resources using an SSL VPN.

  • "SAML SERVER": select an SAML server in the list of zone services and general UserGate settings.

  • "Log Analyzer": the Log Analyzer service. Enable this if you plan to use this UserGate server as a Log analyzer (TCP 2023 and 9713).

  • "Dynamic routing OSPF": OSPF dynamic routing service.

  • "Dynamic routing BGP": BGP dynamic routing service.

  • "SNMP Proxy": service used to build a distributed monitoring system (used to balance load and organize monitoring of a distributed network infrastructure).

  • "SSH Proxy": service used to initiate SSH traffic.

  • Multicast: multicast service.

  • NTP: access to the accurate time service running on the UserGate server.

  • "Dynamic routing RIP": RIP dynamic routing service.


Allowed IP addresses for services:

  • service: select services (the list corresponds to enabled-services).

  • allowed-addresses: allowed IP addresses (in IP/mask format).


Enable/disable IP spoofing protection:

  • on.

  • off.


Specify source IP addresses available in the zone in <ip> or <ip/mask> format. Network packets with source IP addresses other than those specified will be discarded.


Enumerated options:

  • on.

  • off.

If antispoof-negate on is enabled, the interfaces in that zone will not receive packets from the source addresses specified in the value ip-spoofing-networks. In this case packets with specified source IP addresses will be discarded.

To update zone parameters, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set network zone <zone-name>

To add new services to the allowed service list, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set network zone <zone-name> ... enabled-services + [ <service-name> ... ] ...

To delete a zone or its parameters, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# delete network zone <zone-name>

You can delete the following parameters:




Protect the zone against network flooding for TCP protocol (SYN-flood):

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Protect the zone against network flooding for UDP protocol:

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Protect the zone against network flooding for ICMP protocol:

  • excluded-ips: list of IP addresses of servers that should be excluded from protection.


Zone access control settings:

  • "Any ICMP": allow use of the ping command to a UserGate address.

  • SNMP: provides SNMP access to UserGate (UDP 161).

  • response-pages: permission to display Captive portal auth and block pages (TCP 80, 443, 8002).

  • rpc: control XML-RPC: enables API control of the product (TCP 4040).

  • ha: service required to combine multiple UserGate nodes into a cluster (TCP 4369, TCP 9000-9100).

  • VRRP: required for combining several UserGate nodes into a HA cluster (IP protocol 112).

  • "Admin Console": access to the management web console (TCP 8001).

  • DNS: provides access to the DNS proxy service (TCP 53, UDP 53).

  • "HTTP Proxy": access to the HTTP(S) proxy (TCP 8090).

  • "Authorization agent": server access required for Windows authentication agents and terminal servers (UDP 1813).

  • "SMTP Proxy": service to filter SMTP traffic for spam and viruses. Required only when publishing a mail server to the Internet.

  • "POP3 Proxy": service to filter POP3 traffic for spam and viruses. Required only when publishing a mail server to the Internet.

  • "CLI over SSH": access to server to manage it via CLI, port TCP 2200.

  • VPN: provides server access for connecting L2TP VPN clients (UDP 500, 4500).

  • SCADA: SCADA traffic filtering. Required only for SCADA traffic control.

  • "REVERSE PROXY": service required to publish internal resources using Reverse Proxy.

  • "PROXY PORTAL": service required to publish internal resources using an SSL VPN.

  • "SAML SERVER": select an SAML server in the list of zone services and general UserGate settings.

  • "Log Analyzer": the Log Analyzer service. Enable this if you plan to use this UserGate server as a Log analyzer (TCP 2023 and 9713).

  • "Dynamic routing OSPF": OSPF dynamic routing service.

  • "Dynamic routing BGP": BGP dynamic routing service.

  • "SNMP Proxy": service used to build a distributed monitoring system (used to balance load and organize monitoring of a distributed network infrastructure).

  • "SSH Proxy": service used to initiate SSH traffic.

  • Multicast: multicast service.

  • NTP: access to the accurate time service running on the UserGate server.

  • "Dynamic routing RIP": RIP dynamic routing service.


Allowed IP addresses for services:

  • service: select services (the list corresponds to enabled-services).

  • allowed-addresses: allowed IP addresses (in IP/mask format).


When IP spoofing protection is enabled, the administrator can specify source IP addresses allowed in the zone in <ip> or <ip/mask> format. Network packets with source IP addresses other than those specified will be discarded.

To preview zone settings, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# show network zone <zone-name>