12.4.1. Execute commands

These commands have the following structure:

Admin@UGOS# execute <command-name>

Available commands:





  • software-updates: software update.

  • libraries-updates: library update. You can update all libraries at once or individual libraries.


Traceroute the connection to a specified host. Available parameters:

  • interface <iface-name>: the interface from which packets will be sent.

  • not-map-ip: do not search the hostname for the IP address when displaying.

  • use-icmp-echo: use ICMP echo.


The product registration command has the following structure:

Admin@UGOS# execute license activate <pin-code>

Provide your product activation code a <pin-code>.


Close the administrator sessions. For more details, see Settings for administrator sessions.


Clear LDAP record cache:

  • ldap-clear.


Ping a specific host. Available parameters:

  • count: number of echo requests to send. If not specified, the system will send the packets until the user terminates the connection (to terminate sending, press Ctrl+C).

  • numeric: do not resolve names.

  • timestamp: display timestamps.

  • interval: time between packets (in seconds).

  • ttl: packet time to live.

  • interface: the address of the selected interface will be used as a request source address.


Reboot the UserGate server.


View the current date and time on the server.


Shutting down the UserGate server.


Check the availability of a third-party HTTP/HTTPS server. You can use the following parameters:

  • type: check availability via:

  • http.

  • tcp (if no port is specified, port 80 is used by default).

  • data: request the site content. Only headers are requested by default.

  • timeout: maximum time to wait for a reply from the web server.


Check the domain DNS record.

  • reverse-lookup: get the host from an IP address.

  • dns: specify the IP address of the DNS server.

  • tcp: use TCP instead of UDP.


Generate secret code required for one-time authorization of a node before adding it to the cluster:

Admin@UGOS# execute configuration-cluster generate-secret-key

Important! License for the Cluster module is required, otherwise an error will be displayed.

Some of the commands listed above, except for product update, product registration, administrator session management, and cache clearing are also available in the diagnostics and monitoring mode. To execute them, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS> <command-name>