12.13.14. Configuring email addresses

This section is located at the libraries email-list level.

To add a new email group, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# create libraries email-list

Specify the parameters:




Email group name.


Email group description.


If the email list is updatable, specify the update URL.


Emails to add to the group.

To update information about an email group, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set libraries email-list <email-list-name>

The parameters available to update are the same as those for creating an email group.

To delete a group or individual emails from it, use the following commands:

Admin@UGOS# delete libraries email-list <email-list-name> 

Admin@UGOS# delete libraries email-list <email-list-name> emails [ <email> ... ]

To view information about all existing groups, about individual groups, or about emails in a group, use the following commands:

Admin@UGOS# show libraries email-list 

Admin@UGOS# show libraries email-list <email-list-name> 

Admin@UGOS# show libraries email-list <email-list-name> emails