Configuring LDAP connectors

An LDAP connector is configured at the users auth-servers ldap level.

To create an LDAP connector, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# create users auth-server ldap <parameter>

Provide the following parameters:




LDAP connector name.


Enable/disable the auth server.


LDAP connector description.



  • on: use an SSL connection to connect to the LDAP server

  • off: connect to the LDAP server without using an SSL connection.


Controller IP address or the LDAP domain name.


The username used to connect to the server. Format: DOMAIN\username or username@domain. The user must be a user in the domain.


The user's password for connecting to the domain.


List of domains served by the domain controller.


The list of LDAP server paths relative to which the system will search for users and groups. Specify the full name, e.g., ou=Office,dc=example,dc=com. If the search paths are not specified, the system will search over the entire directory, starting from the root.

To edit information about an existing LDAP connector, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# set users auth-server ldap <ldap-server-name> <parameter>

The parameters available to update are the same as those for creating an LDAP connector.

To display information on an LDAP connector, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# show users auth-server ldap <ldap-server-name>

Example commands to create and edit an LDAP connector:

Admin@nodename# create users auth-server ldap name "New LDAP connector" ssl on address bind-dn ug@testd.local password 12345 domains [ testd.local ] search-roots [ dc=testd,dc=local ] enabled on Admin@nodename# show users auth-server ldap "New LDAP connector" name : New LDAP connector enabled : on ssl : on address : bind-dn : ug@testd.local domains : testd.local search-roots : dc=testd,dc=local keytab_exists : off Admin@nodename# set users auth-server ldap "New LDAP connector" description "New LDAP connector description" Admin@nodename# show users auth-server ldap "New LDAP connector" name : New LDAP connector description : New LDAP connector description enabled : on ssl : on address : bind-dn : ug@testd.local domains : testd.local search-roots : dc=testd,dc=local keytab_exists : off

To delete an LDAP connector, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# delete users auth-server ldap <ldap-server-name> <parameter>

You can also delete individual parameters of an LDAP connector. You can delete the following parameters:

  • domains

  • search-roots