Personal WAF layers

Personal WAF layers are a construct of UPL rules created by the firewall administrator. This section allows you to manage custom layers: create, delete, update and view. Since the number of layers can be large, on the WAF -> Custom WAF Layers page there is a filter to search for layers by name.

Personal WAF layers can be added to a WAF profile for further use. A layer is a UPL construct used to group rules and make a single decision.

For syntax for writing UPL rules, see the Configuring Rules Using UPL - UserGate section for more details.

To create a Personal WAF layer, click Add, and in the properties of the personal WAF layer, specify the following parameters:




The name of the rule.


A description of the rule.

Edit an expression

Write/edit a UPL expressions containing traffic filtering rules.

Check an expression

Checking UPL expressions helps to display errors in the text. If the syntax is entered incorrectly, hints will be displayed in the text where the error was made.

The error is displayed with the line number where the error was made.