Managing Administrator Sessions

The following commands allow you to view the active sessions of administrators who have been authorized in the web console or CLI and close the sessions (this is done at the settings administrators admin-sessions level).

To view administrator sessions for the current UserGate node, use the following command. You can view an individual administrator's session; to do so, browse the IP address list and select the address used to authenticate the administrator.

Admin@nodename# show settings administrators admin-sessions

To display sessions, you can use a filter:

  • ip: IP address from which the administrator was authorized.

  • source: where authorization was made: CLI (cli), web console (web) or SSH connection (ssh).

  • admin-login: administrator name.

  • node: UserGate cluster node.

Admin@nodename# show settings administrators admin-sessions ( node <node-name> ip <session-ip> source <cli | web | ssh> admin-login <administrator-login> )

To close an administrator session, use the following command. Select the IP address from which the administrator was authorized, from the list.

Admin@nodename# execute termination admin-sessions <IP-address/connection type>

Example of the command execution:

Admin@nodename# show settings administrators admin-sessions admin-login : Admin source : ssh session_start_date : 2023-08-10T11:33:47Z ip : node : utmcore@dineanoulwer admin-login : Admin source : web session_start_date : 2023-08-10T11:33:10Z ip : node : utmcore@dineanoulwer Admin@nodename# execute termination admin-sessions Admin@nodename# show settings administrators admin-sessions admin-login : Admin source : ssh session_start_date : 2023-08-10T11:33:47Z ip : node : utmcore@dineanoulwer

When closing administrator sessions, you can use a filter ( <filter> ). Enabled filtering options are the same as those for the show command.

Admin@nodename# execute termination admin-sessions ( node <node-name> ip <session-ip> source <cli | web | ssh> admin-login <administrator-login> )