4.3. Exporting and importing settings

Network administrators can save the UserGate's current settings and then restore them on the same or another UserGate server. Unlike the backup procedure, exporting/importing of settings will save only the current parameters rather than the current state of all system components.

Important! Exporting/importing settings will not restore the cluster's state, network interfaces settings and licensing information. Once the import procedure is finished, register UserGate with your PIN again, configure network and re-create the cluster if necessary.

To export settings, perform the following steps:



Step 1. Export the settings

In the Device management section, click Settings export --> Export. The system will save the current settings of your server to the file called "database.bin".

To apply the previously created settings, perform the following steps:



Step 1. Import the settings

In the Device management section, click Settings export --> Import and then browse to the previously created configuration file. Once the specified settings are applied to the server, the server will reboot.

In addition, administrators can set up a schedule to export the settings to external servers (FTP, SSH). To create a schedule for exporting the settings, perform the following steps:



Step 1. Create a new export rule.

In the Device management section, click Settings export --> Add and then provide the name and description of a new rule.

Step 2. Provide the remote server parameters.

Select the Remote server tab and specify the following parameters of the remote server:

  • Server type - FTP or SSH

  • Server address - IP address of the server

  • Port - port of the server

  • User name - account on a remote server

  • Password/Password confirmation --- password for the account

  • Server path - a path on the server to which the settings will be exported

Step 3. Select an export schedule.

On the Schedule tab, specify when you want the settings to be sent. If you want to set time in the CRONTAB format, use the following rules:

(minutes:0-59) (hours:0-23) (days of month:0-31) (month:0-12) (days of week:0-6, 0-Sunday)

Each of the five fields can be specified in the following way:

  • Asterisk (*)- denotes the whole range (from the first element to the last one);

  • Hyphen (-) - denotes a numeric range. For example, "5-7" stands for 5, 6 and 7;

  • Lists. These are numbers (or ranges) separated with commas. Example: "1,5,10,11" or "1-11,19-23";

  • Asterisks and dashes denote omitted elements in ranges. A step must be specified after a backslash. For example, "2-10/2" stands for "2,4,6,8,10", and the statement "*/2" in the "hours" field means "every two hours".