The web access log displays all user requests sent to the Internet via HTTP and HTTPS. The following information is displayed:
The UserGate node where the event has taken place
Time of the event
Reason (if the site has been blocked)
Source zone
Source IP address
Source port
Destination IP
Destination port
Protocol (HTTP)
Method (HTTP)
Response code (HTTP)
MIME (if any)
Bytes sent/received
Packets sent
Referrer (if any)
Operating system
Administrators can filter and display columns as required. To do this, click any column and in the shortcut menu that appears enable the checkboxes that correspond to the necessary columns.
For convenience, you can filter and search certain events and records by various criteria, such as user account, rule, action, and more.
By clicking Export to CSV administrators can download the filtered data from a log as a CSV file for additional analysis.