4.2.2. Diagnostics

In this section, you can set up server diagnostic parameters that may be requested by the UserGate support team for troubleshooting.



Diagnostics details

  • Off - disable diagnostic logs

  • Error - log only server errors

  • Warning - log only errors and warnings

  • Info - log only errors, warnings and additional information

  • Debug - very detailed logging

It is recommended that you set the Diagnostics details to Error (only errors) or Off (disabled) until the UserGate support team asks you to set another value. Any values other than Error (only errors) and Off (disabled) may significantly reduce performance of UserGate.

Diagnostics logs

  • Download logs - download diagnostic logs that may be requested by the UserGate support service.

  • Clear logs - delete the content of all logs.

Remote assistance

  • On/Off - enable or disable the remote assistant mode. Using the remote assistant, engineers of the UserGate support service can securely connect to your UserGate server for diagnostics or troubleshooting based on the remote assistant identifier and token. For successful activation of the remote assistant, UserGate will need access to the remote assistant server by SSH.

  • Remote assistant identifier - randomly assigned value. This value is unique for each remote assistant session.

  • Remote assistant token - randomly assigned token value. This value is unique for each remote assistant session.