7. Command Line Interface (CLI)

In UserGate LogAn, you can perform basic device configuration with the help of the command-line interface, or CLI. The administrator can use CLI to run diagnostic commands, such as ping, nslookup, or traceroute, configure the network interfaces and zones, as well as reboot or shut down the device.

CLI can be useful for troubleshooting network problems or when access to the web console is lost --- for example, due to an incorrectly set interface IP address or erroneous zone access control settings that block connections to the web interface.

You can connect to the CLI using the standard VGA/keyboard ports (if physically present on the UserGate LogAn equipment), via the serial port, or via SSH over the network.

To connect to the CLI using a monitor and keyboard, follow these steps:



Step 1. Connect a monitor and keyboard to the UserGate LogAn device.

Connect a monitor to a VGA (HDMI) port and a keyboard to a USB port.

Step 2. Log in to the CLI.

Log in to the CLI using the login name and password for a user with Full administrator permissions (the default is Admin). If the UserGate LogAn device has not undergone initial setup, use Admin as the login and utm as the password for accessing the CLI.

To connect to the CLI using the serial port, follow these steps:



Step 1. Connect to the UserGate LogAn device.

Use a special serial cable or a USB-Serial adapter to connect your computer to the UserGate LogAn device.

Step 2. Launch a terminal.

Launch a terminal that supports serial port connection, such as Putty for Windows or minicom for Linux. Establish a serial port connection using 115200 8n1 as the connection parameters.

Step 3. Log in to the CLI.

Log in to the CLI using the login name and password for a user with Full administrator permissions (the default is Admin). If the UserGate LogAn device has not undergone initial setup, use Admin as the login and utm as the password for accessing the CLI.

To connect to the CLI using the SSH protocol, follow these steps:



Step 1. Allow CLI (SSH) access for the selected zone.

Allow SSH access for the CLI protocol in the settings for the zone to which you want to connect for CLI management. The TCP port 2200 will be opened.

Step 2. Launch an SSH terminal.

Launch an SSH terminal on your computer, such as SSH for Linux or Putty for Windows. Specify UserGate LogAn's address as the IP address, 2200 as the connection port, and the login of a user with Full administrator permissions as the CLI login name (the default is Admin). For Linux, the connection command should look like this:

ssh Admin@IPUserGateLogAn -p 2200

Step 3. Log in to the CLI.

Log in to the CLI using the password for the user specified in the previous step. If the UserGate LogAn device has not undergone initial setup, use Admin as the login and utm as the password for accessing the CLI.

After a successful login to the CLI, you can view the list of available commands using the help command. To get detailed help on any command, use this syntax:
help command.
For example, to get detailed help on using the iface command to configure network interfaces, invoke this command:
help Iface.

The full list of commands is presented below:




Lists the available commands.

exit quit Ctrl+D

Log out of the CLI.


View the current server time.


View or configure the gateway settings. For detailed information, see "gateway help".


A set of commands used to view and configure network interface settings. For detailed information, see "iface help".


View the license information.


Check the availability of a 3rd party HTTP/HTTPS server.

netcheck [-t TIMEOUT] [-d] URL


-t: the maximum timeout for a server response.

-d: request the website's content. Only headers are requested by default.


Determine the IP address from a host name.


Ping a specific host.


Enable or disable remote server access for UserGate LogAn technical support.


Enable or disable remote server access for UserGate LogAn technical support in case of a UserGate LogAn server freeze.


Reboot the UserGate LogAn server.


Create, modify, or delete a route.


Shut down the UserGate LogAn server.


Traceroute the connection to a specific host.


A set of commands used to view and configure zone settings. For detailed information, see "zone help".