12.2.1. Templates

A template defines what the report will look like and what fields it will include. Report templates are provided by the UserGate developer.

Here is the list of report templates by category:

  • Captive portal: a group of templates for events related to user authentication using the Captive portal.

  • Events: a templates group for events recorded in the event log.

  • IDPS: a templates group for events recorded in the IDPS log.

  • Network activity: a templates group for events recorded in the traffic log.

  • Web portal: a templates group for events related to authentication via SSL VPN.

  • Traffic: a templates group for events recorded in the traffic log and related to the volume of traffic consumed by users, applications, etc.

  • VPN: a templates group for events related to VPN.

  • Web activity: a templates group for events recorded in the web access log.

Each template includes a name, report description, and report presentation type (table, histogram, pie).