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Changes in UserGate 5
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Changes in UserGate Management Center 6
Changes in UserGate Log Analyzer 6
Changes in UserGate 7
Changes in UserGate Management Center 7
Changes in UserGate Log Analyzer 7
Changes in UserGate SIEM 7
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UserGate 5.x
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UserGate 5.x
Video Library
UserGate 5. Настройка Captive-портала
UserGate 5. Setting up a Captive portal
Provision of the secure access to the remote desktop using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Provision of the secure access to the remote desktop using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Hiding web page elements by injection of an arbitrary program code into them
UserGate 5. Hiding web page elements by injection of an arbitrary program code
Watch more
UserGate 5. Email traffic protection
UserGate 5. Email traffic protection
UserGate 5. Multi-factor authentication
UserGate 5. Multi-factor authentication
UserGate 5. Utilizing scenarios for the torrent traffic restrictions
UserGate 5. Utilizing scenarios for the torrent traffic restrictions
UserGate5. Setting up VPN for the remote access
UserGate 5. Setting up VPN for the remote access
UserGate 5. Publishing Outlook Web Access using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Publishing Outlook Web Access using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Publishing Outlook Web Access using reverse-proxy
UserGate 5. Publishing Outlook Web Access using reverse-proxy
UserGate 5. Publishing MS Sharepoint using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Publishing MS Sharepoint using SSL VPN
UserGate 5. Publishing MS Sharepoint using reverse-proxy
UserGate 5. Publishing MS Sharepoint using reverse-proxy
UserGate 5. Using scenarios to limit user traffic
UserGate 5. Using scenarios to limit user traffic
Setting up a Guest Portal
UserGate 5. Setting up a Guest Portal
UserGate 5. Setting up an NTLM authorization
UserGate 5. Setting up an NTLM authorization
Setting up the Kerberos-based user authorization
UserGate 5. Setting up the Kerberos-based user authorization
UserGate 5. Настройка Captive-портала
UserGate 5. Setting up a Captive portal