General Settings Section

The General settings section is used to configure the basic LogAn settings:



Admin console settings

LogAn interface settings:

  • The timezone for your location. Used in rule schedules and for the correct display of time and date in reports, logs, etc.

  • The default interface language to use by default in the console.

Server time settings

Configure the time synchronization settings:

  • Use NTP servers: use the NTP servers from the provided list for time synchronization.

  • Primary NTP server: the primary time server address. Default value:

  • Secondary NTP server: the secondary time server address.

  • Server time: allows time setting on the server. The UTC timezone should be used.

System DNS servers

Specify valid IP addresses of DNS servers here.

Updates download schedule

Set up a schedule to download software and library updates. You can also check for updates manually by clicking Download updates.

Log Collector status

The current state of the LogAn server is displayed here:

  • State: shows the current state of the statistics service.

  • Device version: the version of LogAn.

UserGate Management Center agent

Here you can configure device connection to the central management console that can be used to manage a LogAn device fleet from a single point.

  • Enabled/Disabled: enable or disable management via UGMC.

  • UserGate Management Center address: server address in IPv4 address format, FQDN (IDN address can also be used).

  • Device code: a token required to connect to UGMC.