Gateway Configuration

To connect UGMC to the Internet, you need to specify the IP address(es) of one or more gateways.

If several Internet providers are used for Internet connections, several gateways can be specified. Here is an example of a network configuration with two providers:

  • Interface port1 with an IP address of is connected to Internet Provider 1. To enable Internet access via this provider, a gateway with an IP address of must be added.

  • Interface port2 with an IP address of is connected to Internet Provider 2. To enable Internet access via this provider, a gateway with an IP address of must be added

When two or more gateways exist, there are two options:



Traffic load balancing between gateways

Set the Balancing checkbox and assign a Weight to each gateway. In this case, all traffic destined for the Internet will be distributed between the gateways according to the weights assigned (the greater the weight, the larger portion of the traffic will pass through the gateway).

Main gateway with failover

Select one of the gateways as the main and configure the Connectivity checker by clicking the button with that name. The connectivity checker periodically verifies if the host is accessible from the Internet with the interval specified in the settings and, if the host ceases to be reachable, switches all traffic to the backup gateways in the order they are listed in the console.

By default, the network connectivity checker is configured to use Google's public DNS server (, but this can be changed to any other host if the administrator so desires.