Configuring response pages

This section is located at the libraries response-pages level. You can create the following response pages (<response-page-type>):

  • blockpage: block page.

  • captiveportal-user-auth: captive portal authorization page.

  • captiveportal-user-session: captive portal user session.

  • content-warning: content warning page.

  • ftp-client: FTP over HTTP view page.

  • proxy-portal: web portal page.

  • pp-login-ssh: web portal login page for SSH.

  • pp-login-rdp: web portal login page for RDP.

  • totp-init-page: TOTP initialization page.

To create a response page, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# create libraries response-pages <response-page-type> <parameter>

Specify the following parameters:




Response page name.


Response page description.


Select a basic response page.

Basic response pages for a block page (blockpage):

  • blockpage_en: block response page in English.

  • blockpage_ru: block response page in Russian.

Basic response pages for a Captive portal authentication page (captiveportal-user-auth):

  • captiveportal_user_auth_en: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in English.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_ru: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in Russian.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_policy_en: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in English. In addition to the authentication form, the response page displays network usage rules (usage agreement) and requires the user to accept the access policy rules.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_policy_ru: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in Russian. In addition to the authentication form, the response page displays network usage rules (usage agreement) and requires the user to accept the access policy rules.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_email_en: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in English which allows users to register in the system using email confirmation.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_email_ru: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in Russian which allows users to register in the system using email confirmation.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_sms_en: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in English which allows users to register in the system using SMS confirmation.

  • captiveportal_user_auth_sms_ru: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in Russian which allows users to register in the system using SMS confirmation.

  • captiveportal_user_policy_en: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in English. The templates do not require the name and password entry; they just display the network terms of use (user agreement) and require the user to agree to the access policy. The templates do not require the name and password entry; they just display the network terms of use (user agreement) and require the user to agree to the access policy.

  • captiveportal_user_policy_ru: response page for user authentication using the captive portal in Russian. The templates do not require the name and password entry; they just display the network terms of use (user agreement) and require the user to agree to the access policy. The templates do not require the name and password entry; they just display the network terms of use (user agreement) and require the user to agree to the access policy.

Basic response pages for the captive portal user session page (captiveportal-user-session):

Basic response pages for a warning page (content-warning):

  • content_warning_en: warning page template in English displayed when a content filtering rule with Warn action is triggered.

  • content_warning_ru: warning response page in Russian that is displayed if a content filtering rule with the Warn action is triggered.

Basic response pages for the FTP over HTTP view page (ftp-client):

  • ftp_client_en: response page in English to display FTP server content over HTTP.

  • ftp_client_ru: response page in Russian to display FTP server content over HTTP.

Basic response pages for the web portal page (proxy-portal):

  • proxy_portal_en: response page in English to display the web portal page.

  • proxy_portal_ru: response page in Russian to display the web portal page.

Basic response pages for a web portal login page for SSH (pp-login-ssh):

  • pp_login_ssh_en: response page in English to display an authentication page when connecting to SSH resources via the web portal.

  • pp_login_ssh_ru: response page in Russian to display an authentication page when connecting to SSH resources via the web portal.

Basic response pages for a web portal login page for RDP (pp-login-rdp):

  • pp_login_rdp_en: response page in English to display an authentication page when connecting to RDP resources via the web portal.

  • pp_login_rdp_ru: response page in Russian to display an authentication page when connecting to RDP resources via the web portal.

Basic response pages for TOTP initialization page (totp-init-page):

  • totp_init_page_en: response page in English to display a MFA TOTP device initialization page for VPN users.

  • totp_init_page_ru: response page in Russian to display a MFA TOTP device initialization page for VPN users.


Use the default response page:

  • on

  • off

To edit template values, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# set libraries response-pages <response-page-type> <response-page-name> <parameters>

Then specify the parameters listed in the table above.

To delete a response page, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# delete libraries response-pages <response-page-type> <response-page-name>

To display information about all existing response pages, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# show libraries response-pages

To display information about an individual response page type, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# show libraries response-pages <response-page-type>

To display information about an individual response page, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# show libraries response-pages type <response-page-type> <response-page-name>