Configuring MFA by TOTP

To add a new profile for multifactor authentication via TOTP, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# create users mfa-profiles totp <parameter>

Provide the following parameters:




The name of the MFA profile.


A description of the MFA profile.


QR code on the Captive portal page or in an email to facilitate configuring the device or the TOTP client software.


Select the notification profile to use.


Sender of the notification. Specify a name (if using an SMPP profile) or an email (if using an SMTP profile).


Subject of the notification, if using email notifications.


Body of the email. In the message body, you can use a special variable named {2fa_auth_code} that will be replaced by the one-time password. The notification text is separated by quotation marks ("").

To edit a profile for multifactor authentication via TOTP, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# set users mfa-profiles totp <mfa-totp-name> <parameter>

The parameters available to edit are identical to those used to create a profile.

Example of creating and editing a profile for multifactor authentication via TOTP:

Admin@nodename# create users mfa-profiles totp name "Test TOTP MFA profile" notification-profile pass show-qr-code on Admin@nodename# show users mfa-profiles totp "Test TOTP MFA profile" name : Test TOTP MFA profile show-qr-code : on notification-profile : pass notification-body : Your authentication code is {2fa_auth_code}! Do not share it with anybody! Admin@nodename# set users mfa-profiles totp "Test TOTP MFA profile" description "Test TOTP MFA profile description" Admin@nodename# show users mfa-profiles totp "Test TOTP MFA profile" name : Test TOTP MFA profile description : Test TOTP MFA profile description show-qr-code : on notification-profile : pass notification-body : Your authentication code is {2fa_auth_code}! Do not share it with anybody!