Configuring an SAML IDP server

A SAML IDP server is configured at the users auth-servers saml-idp level.

To create an SAML IDP auth server, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# create users auth-server saml-idp <parameter>

Provide the following parameters:




SAML IDP server name.


Enable/disable the auth server.


Auth server description.


The URL on the SAML IDP server from where an XML file with a valid configuration for this SAML service provider (client) can be downloaded.


The certificate that will be used on the SAML client.


The URL that is used on the SAML IDP server as the single login point. For more details, see the documentation for your SAML IDP server.


The method used to work with a SSO single login point. Options: POST and Redirect. For more details, see the documentation for your SAML IDP server.


The URL used on the SAML IDP server as the single logout point. For more details, see the documentation for your SAML IDP server.


The method used to work with a SSO single logout point. Options: POST and Redirect. For more details, see the documentation for your SAML IDP server.

To update information about a SAML IDP server, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# set users auth-server saml-idp <saml-idp-server-name> <parameter>

The parameters you can update are the same as those used to create an auth server.

To display information about a SAML IDP server, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# show users auth-server saml-idp <saml-idp-server-name>

Example commands to create and edit a SAML IDP server:

Admin@nodename# create users auth-server saml-idp name "New SAML IDP server" slo-url sso-url http://login.example.o rg enabled on Admin@nodename# show users auth-server saml-idp "New SAML IDP server" name : New SAML IDP server enabled : on certificate : Unused sso-url : sso-binding : post slo-url : slo-binding : post Admin@nodename# set users auth-server saml-idp "New SAML IDP server" description "New SAML IDP server description" Admin@nodename# show users auth-server saml-idp "New SAML IDP server" name : New SAML IDP server description : New SAML IDP server description enabled : on certificate : Unused sso-url : sso-binding : post slo-url : slo-binding : post

To delete a server, use the following command:

Admin@nodename# delete users auth-servers saml-idp <saml-idp-server-name>