WAF profiles

A WAF profile is a set of user and/or system layers. In this section you can manage profiles: create, delete, update and view.

At the top of the page there is a filter for searching by profile name.

To create a WAF profile, click Add and specify the following parameters:




The name of the rule.


A description of the rule.

WAF layers

UPL rule sets:

  • Personal WAF layers.

  • System WAF layers. The layers are grouped by attack type.

To include a system layer in an edited profile, enable it in the Action column. Layers included in the profile are marked in green, layers not included in red.

Active rules

The number of activated rules.

Add a personal layer

User-created personal WAF layers.

Restore default value

You can filter system rules in the selected system layer, which will be connected to the edited profile. To edit, click on the system layer and a dialog box will appear.



HTTP Constraint

The name of the selected system layer, a checkbox that allows you to enable the selected layer.

Protection technology

Filter technologies for rules from the selected system layer. The profile will include rules only with the selected technologies, or with all if all technologies or the "All Systems" technology are selected.

Protection level

Filter rules by protection level. Only rules with the selected protection levels will be connected to the profile.

Managing WAF rules

The table displays the rules that meet the conditions of the level filters and protection technology. These rules will be connected to the edited profile.

Restore default value