BATV Configuration

BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation) is a technology that helps to differentiate real bounces from SPAM bounces.

Sender address forging is widely used by spammers, especially for senders who do not use SenderPolicyFramework or YahooDomainKeys. SPAM bounces are partly received by recipients' MXs, but if they are not delivered to the next relay, they could be returned to the sender. And since the sender address is forged, innocent users receive SPAM bounces for emails they did not send. In addition, some spam is masked as bounces because of the erroneous assumption of some antispam engines that bounces cannot be spam which malicious users exploit. The BATV technology serves to distinguish real bounces from forged ones.

It is impossible to stop receiving bounces, because network connectivity would be disturbed (sometimes normal emails are not delivered and returned, and it's perfectly normal), so it is needed to somehow differentiate normal bounces from SPAM bounces. That is the purpose of BATV technology. BATV technology can be useful in systems where SPAM content filters fail to detect SPAM bounces.

Can be enabled or disabled. No other settings are expected.