Placing LogAn Devices under UGMC Management

A template group always applies to one or more LogAn devices. The procedure for adding managed devices to UGMC consists of the following steps:



Step 1. Enable access to UGMC from the managed device.

On the UGMC server, allow the UserGate Management Center service in the zone to which the managed devices are connected. The UGMC server listens for managed device connections at TCP ports 2022 and 9712.

Data transfer between the UGMC server and managed devices occurs over an encrypted data link.

Step 2. Create a LogAn managed device object.

In the LogAn management ➜ LogAn devices section of the realm management console, click Add and provide the desired settings.

Step 3. Link the LogAn managed device object just created to a real NGFW device.

In the LogAn management console, set up the link between UGMC and the device. This can be done during the initial configuration of LogAn or on an already configured LogAn device. Both options are described in detail later in this chapter.

When creating a LogAn managed device object, provide the following settings:




Enables the managed device object . When enabled, the managed device object takes up one license.


The name of the managed device. The name can be arbitrary.


Managed device description.

Templates group

The templates group whose settings should be applied to this managed device.

Sync mode

Select the mode used to synchronize the template group settings with the device. There are three options:

  • Auto sync: the settings are applied to the device automatically. A change to any setting in any template of the template group applied to the managed device is propagated immediately to LogAn.

  • Disabled: sync mode is disabled.

  • Manual sync: in this sync mode the settings are applied on clicking the Sync now button. This option is useful when many template settings need to be changed and applied to the device at once. In this case, you need to disable synchronization, make the desired changes to the templates, and then enable the Manual sync mode.

Regardless of the selected mode, you can start synchronization of all settings for the selected devices (in the LogAn Management ➜ LogAn Devices section click Actions ➜ Run full synchronization).

To enable LogAn-to-UGMC communication during the initial configuration, follow these steps:



Step 1. Copy the device code.

In UGMC, select the managed device object you created and click Actions ➜ Show device unique code. Copy the code to the clipboard.

Step 2. During the initial setup of LogAn, select installation using UGMC.

During the initial setup, at the step where the administrator login and password are set, select the link Configure by UGMC.

Step 3. Provide the desired settings for the new node and enter the unique device code.

Specify the following settings:

  • The network settings for this LogAn MD (IP address, subnet mask, gateway). These settings will be applied to the specified interface. After configuring the network settings, the UGMC server must become accessible over the network from this device.

  • The name and password for a local administrator.

  • The IP address of the UGMC server and the unique device code saved at the first step.

Step 4. Check the connection.

After connecting to UGMC, LogAn should receive all settings prepared for it in UGMC. In LogAn, these settings are displayed with a lock icon, meaning that a local administrator cannot change them.

In the UGMC console, the managed device object will display additional information on the connected device, such as PIN code, serial number, license information, RAM usage, etc.

To enable LogAn-to-UGMC communication for an already configured LogAn device, follow these steps:



Step 1. Copy the device code.

In UGMC, select the managed device object you created and click Actions ➜ Show device unique code. Copy the code to the clipboard.

Step 2. Specify the IP address of the UGMC server and enter the unique device code.

In the General settings ➜ UGMC agent, select Configure, specify the IP address of the UGMC server, paste the unique device code, and enable this connection. The UGMC server must be accessible over the network from this LogAn device for a successful completion of this step.

Step 3. Check the connection.

After connecting to UGMC, LogAn should receive all settings prepared for it in UGMC. In LogAn, these settings are displayed with a lock icon, meaning that a local administrator cannot change them.

In the UGMC console, the managed device object will display additional information on the connected device, such as PIN code, serial number, license information, RAM usage, etc.

After the LogAn device has been successfully added to UGMC, the administrator can edit, enable/disable, and delete the managed device, as well as:



View advanced managed device state information

In the UGMC console, select the managed device object and click Show device details. The following information about the connected managed device will be displayed:

  • Managed device software version

  • Managed device PIN code

  • HSC serial number

  • Device uptime

  • Device load metrics such as CPU load, RAM usage, swap file usage

Connect to the managed device console

In the UGMC console, select the managed device object and click Actions ➜ Open console. The LogAn console will open in a new window.

Modify settings

In the UGMC console, modify the settings of a template from the template group applied to the managed device. The new settings will be applied to the LogAn device.

In the UserGate Management Center web interface, the administrator can filter the view to display:

  • all devices;

  • enabled or disabled devices;

  • online (connected to UGMC), offline (disconnected from UGMC), or not linked devices (not yet connected to UGMC);

  • consistent (managed device synchronized successfully) or inconsistent (with errors detected during managed device synchronization) devices;