Advanced Search Mode

Besides the basic GUI-based search, LogAn provides an advanced search capability, allowing you to create more complex search filters and use a specialized query language. To construct a query, use field names and values, keywords, and operators. You can enter field values using single or double quotes, or without quotes, if the values do not contain spaces. To group multiple conditions, use parentheses.

Separate keywords by spaces. You can use the following keywords:




Logical AND: all query conditions must be met.


Logical OR: at least one condition should be met.

The following operators define filter conditions:




Equal To. Requires that the field value be completely identical to the specified value. For example, ip= displays all log entries where the IP field exactly matches


Not Equal To. Field value must not match the specified value. For example, ip!=172.16.31 displays all log entries where the IP field does not match


Less Than or Equal To. Field value must be less than or equal to the specified value. This can only apply to fields that support comparisons, such as date, portSource, portDest, statusCode, etc., for example,

date <= '2019-03-28T20:59:59' AND statusCode=303.


Greater Than or Equal To. The field value must be greater than or equal to the specified value. This can only apply to fields that support comparisons, such as date, portSource, portDest, statusCode, etc., for example,

date >= "2019-03-13T21:00:00" AND statusCode=200.


Less Than. The field value must be less than the specified value. This can only apply to fields that support comparisons, such as date, portSource, portDest, statusCode, etc., for example,

date < '2019-03-28T20:59:59' AND statusCode=404.


Greater Than. The field value must be greater than the specified value. This can only apply to fields that support comparisons, such as date, portSource, portDest, statusCode, etc., for example,

(statusCode>200 AND statusCode<300) OR (statusCode=404).


Allows you to specify multiple values for a field in a query. Provide the list of values in parentheses, for example,

category IN (botnets, compromised, 'illegal software', 'phishing and fraud', 'reputation high risk', 'unknown category').


Allows you to specify multiple values for a field in a query. Displays records that do not contain the specified values. Provide the list of values in parentheses, for example,

category NOT IN (botnets, compromised, 'illegal software', 'phishing and fraud', 'reputation high risk', 'unknown category').


Contains. Allows you to specify a substring that the queried field must contain, for example,

browser ~ "Mozilla/5.0".

This operator is applicable only to fields that contain string data.


Does Not Contain. Allows you to specify a substring that the queried field must not contain, for example,

browser !~ "Mozilla/5.0".

This operator is applicable only to fields that contain string data.


To specify the substring that must be found in the specified field using the MATCH statement, use JSON format and single quotes, for example,

details MATCH '\"module\":\"threats\"'.

The syntax of queries using this operator is compliant with the RE2 standard. For more details about Google/RE2 syntax, see:


To specify the substring that must not be found in the specified field using the NOT MATCH statement, use JSON format and single quotes, for example,

details NOT MATCH '\"module\":\"threats\"'.

The syntax of queries using this operator is compliant with the RE2 standard. For more details about Google/RE2 syntax, see:

When you switch from basic to advanced search mode, LogAn automatically generates a search query string that matches the filter specified in the basic search mode.