8.6. Connectors

Connectors implement the ability to connect UserGate Log Analyzer to different information protection systems in order to gather information.

To add connector, fill in the relevant fields:




The name of the connector.


The description of the connector (optional).

Server type

The type of server:

  • SSH.

  • HTTP.

  • HTTPS (it is implemented only for integration with GosSOPKA in the current version).


The address type:

  • IP.

  • FQDN.

IP address

The server IP address; specify if the IP address type selected.


The server port; specify if the IP address type selected.


The sever FQDN; specify if the FQDN address type selected.

URL path

Specify if API control of the devices used.


The login to authorize on the connector.


The password required for authorization on the connector.

Command group

Command group. Specifying a group of commands is only available for the SSH server. See details in the Commands section.

HTTP headers

HTTP and HTTPS headers. Specifying headers is only available for the HTTP and HTTPS servers.

Use the Test run button to check if the connector settings with the SSH server type are correct. After pressing Test run, you will be prompted to select a command from the specified group to send to the connector; if there are variables in the command, additional fields to specify their values will be displayed.

In UserGate Log Analyzer, by default, the Gossopka connector is created. The connector implements interworking and the automated exchange of information about the recorded cybersecurity incidents and methods of their prevention with GosSOPKA. For more details, see the section Sending Cybersecurity Incident Reports to GosSOPKA.