12.13.2. Configuring services

You configure this section at the libraries services level.

To add a new service, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# create libraries services

Provide the following parameters:




Service name.


Service description.


Network protocol and source/destination ports:

  • protocol: network protocol.

  • dest-ports: destination port(s) (you can specify a port number or a port range).

  • source-ports: source port(s) (you can specify a port number or a port range).

To specify the protocols parameter when creating a service, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# create libraries service ... protocols new

Then specify protocol, dest-ports, and source-ports.

To update an existing service, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set libraries services <service-name>

To update the network protocol and source/destination ports, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set libraries services <service-name> protocols ( <protocol-filter> )

<protocol-filter> is a filter configured using the protocols parameter values.

Then specify the new values for the protocols parameter.

To add a network protocol and source/destination ports, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# set libraries services <service-name> protocols new

Then specify protocol, dest-ports, source-ports.

To delete a service, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# delete libraries services <service-name>

To delete specific network protocols from a service, use the following command:

Admin@UGOS# delete libraries services <service-name> protocols ( <protocol-filter> )

To display information about all or individual services, use the following commands:

Admin@UGOS# show libraries services Admin@UGOS# show libraries services <service-name>