14.4.1. LogAn Software Updates

From time to time, UserGate issues software updates for UserGate LogAn devices. These updates are uploaded to the UserGate repository from where they can then be downloaded to LogAn devices. If a UserGate LogAn MD is managed from Management Center, it checks automatically for available updates on the Management Center server which acts as a repository. The UserGate repository is used in this case by the UGMC server for obtaining new updates.

In some cases, the UserGate support service can suggest that certain customers install specific updates that are unavailable for download from the repository. Such updates should be added to UGMC by importing them from an update file.

To install updates, follow these steps:



Step 1. Upload the updates to the UGMC repository.

The updates can be uploaded from the UserGate repository or imported manually from an update file.

To upload the updates from the repository, go to the section LogAn management --> Software updates and click Online updates. The list of updates available for download from the UserGate repository will be displayed. Highlight the desired updates and click Select. The selected updates will be uploaded to UGMC.

For manual upload, go to the section LogAn management --> Software updates, click Import update, and select the update file. If the update file has no update name and version specified, enter these in the corresponding fields. By clicking Save, the selected update will be uploaded to UGMC.

Step 2. Approve the update for all or specific devices.

To install an update on all devices, select the update of interest and click Approve update. Only one update can be approved for all devices.

If you need to install this update on a group of devices (e.g., for testing), specify the managed devices from which this update will be available in the update's properties and set the Approve update checkbox.

Step 3. Install the update.

After an update is approved, it becomes available for downloading for all managed devices or for a group of them. An MD downloads the update according to its update check schedule. When downloaded, the update can be installed centrally by the administrator from the MC console or manually on a specific managed device by the device's administrator.

An update in the UGMC repository has the following properties:




The name of the update. Usually not editable, hard-coded in the update code.


An arbitrary description of the update.


The update version. Not editable, hard-coded in the update code.


The size of the update.


The LogAn release for which this update is issued. Not editable, hard-coded in the update code.


The update's status --- for example, downloaded.


Shows the progress of downloading the update from the UserGate repository.

Update channel

The update channel of the UserGate repository:

  • Stable: stable software updates.

  • Beta: experimental updates.


A link to the list of changes included in this update.

Managed devices

The list of managed devices for which this update is intended.


The date the update was added to the UGMC repository and the name of the administrator who added it.


The date the update was approved and the name of the administrator who approved it.