Blocked IDPS/L7 IP Addresses

The IDPS monitors and blocks attacks in real time. Preventive protection measures include connection loss, notification of the network administrator and logging to a monitoring log.

In the Blocked IDPS/L7 IP addresses section the list of all blocked IP addresses is displayed. Cluster nodes have the one common table Blocked IDPS/L7 IP addresses.

A log record includes the following parameters:

  • Blocked IP address: contains the blocked IP address and allows to unblock and remove the IP address from the list.

  • Blocking date: blocking time and date.

  • Signature threat: threat level.

  • Logging status: ability to move to logging section:

    • for trafficlog applications;

    • for idpslog IPS signature.

  • Signature details/signature name: information on the triggered signature.

  • Destination IP: address of the node which was attacked.

  • Blocking duration: blocking time.

  • Time before unblocking: remaining time countdown till the blocking is removed.

In order to unblock blocked IP addresses, select them in the list and click Unblock.

var glosarry_items = new Array; glosarry_items[1] = 'IDS - Intrusion Detection System. Система обнаружения вторжений (СОВ). Система, предназначенная для обнаружения атак на вычислительные системы в реальном времени.';