2. UserGate LogAn Licensing

UserGate LogAn is licensed by the number of connected sensors from which it collects information. A sensor can be a UserGate gateway or any other device that can send information using the SNMP protocol to the LogAn server.

A UserGate LogAn license grants the right to use the product forever.

The following modules can be additionally licensed:



Security Update (SU) Module

The SU module grants the right to receive:

  • UserGate LogAn software updates.

  • Technical support.

The module is licensed as an annual subscription. After one year, you will need to renew the license to continue receiving software updates and technical support.


This module determines the number of sensors from which LogAn can collect information. The module is licensed as an annual subscription. After one year, you will need to renew to continue the use.

To register the product, follow these steps:



Step 1. Go to the Dashboard.

Click the Dashboard icon in the top right corner.

Step 2. Register the product in the License section.

In the License section, click No license, enter the PIN code, and complete the registration form.

You can view the status of the installed license in the License widget of the Dashboard.