2.3. Managed Devices

A group of templates always applies to one or more UserGate devices. UserGate NGFWs and UserGate LogAn devices are all endpoint managed devices (MD) in the UserGate Management Center terminology.

To provide the compatibility of UserGate Management Center and managed devices of different versions, several synchronization protocol versions are used. To be able to manage UserGate NGFW and LogAn devices from the Management Center, the synchronization protocol version requested by the managed devices must not be greater than the one supported by the MC.

MC version

NGFW version

LogAn version


MC version 6.x.x is compatible with NGFW versions 6.x.x and incompatible with NGFW versions 7.x.x.

LogAn devices management is not provided.


MC version 7.0.x is compatible with devices versions 6.x.x and 7.0.x.

For NGFW versions 6.x.x, the synchronization protocol version is lower than that supported by UGMC. In this case, the MC will determine whether it is possible to convert the configuration to a lower version and, if conversion is possible, will transfer the configuration to the managed device. If the conversion is not possible - the configuration contains parameters that are not available in earlier versions, then a synchronization error will be displayed. The error will be shown for the respective device in the NGFW management --> NGFW devices section of the realm management console.

MC version 7.0.x is incompatible with devices versions 7.1.x. The reason is managed device synchronization protocol version is greater than the version supported by MC.

UGMC is compatible with devices versions 6.x.x and 7.0.x and incompatible with devices versions 7.1.x. The reason of incompatibility is managed device synchronization protocol version is greater than the version supported by MC.


UGMC is compatible with devices versions 6.x.x, 7.0.x, and 7.1.x.

Synchronization protocol version of NGFW 6.x.x and 7.0.x versions is lower than the version supported by MC. In this case, the MC will determine whether it is possible to convert the configuration to a lower version and, if conversion is possible, will transfer the configuration to the managed device. If the conversion is not possible - the configuration contains parameters that are not available in earlier versions, then a synchronization error will be displayed. The error will be shown for the respective device in the NGFW management --> NGFW devices section of the realm management console.

UGMC is compatible with devices versions 7.0.x and 7.1.x.

Management of LogAn devices versions 6.x.x is not provided.