Report Rules

Report rules set the parameters of the report to be created, as well as the schedule to run the reports and methods of delivering the reports to users. When creating a report rule, administrators specify the following parameters:




Enable or disable the report.


The name of the rule.


Optional field for rule description.

Report language

Language to use in the report.

Time range

Time range for preparation of the report.

Report format

Format (PDF, HTML, XML, CSV) of the report.

Important! Creating reports in PDF results in a high load on the processor and memory. The larger the report, the higher the load. Do not use the PDF format for custom report templates. The Detailed list of all visited URLs and Detailed list of all visited sites reports use CSV format, regardless of the format you select.

Number of records

Set a limit on the number of records displayed in reports that have a limit on the number of top records, for example, the top 20 users who encountered errors authenticating in the web console.

Group by limit (if applicable)

Set a limit on the number of records displayed in reports that have a limit on the number of grouped records, for example, the top 10 users by category: a maximum of 10 users will be listed for each category. This restriction applies only to report templates that contain grouping.


Specify users or user groups for which the report will be created. If not specified, the report will be created for all users.


List of templates used to build the report. You need to add at least one template.


Select a schedule to generate reports. The available options are:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Every ... hours

  • Every ... minutes

  • Advanced.

With the Advanced option, a crontab-like format is used where the date/time string consists of six space-separated fields. The fields specify the time as follows: (minutes: 0-59) (hours: 0-23) (days of the month: 1-31) (month: 0-12) (days of the week: 0-6, where 0 is Sunday). Each of the first five fields can be defined using:

  • An asterisk (*) denotes the entire range (from the first number to the last).

  • A dash (-) denotes a number range. For example, "5-7" means 5, 6, and 7.

  • Lists: comma-separated numbers or ranges. For example, "1,5,10,11" or "1-11,19-23".

  • An asterisk or range spacing: used for spacing out values in ranges. The increment is given after a slash. Examples: "2-10/2" means "2,4,6,8,10" while "*/2" in the "hours" field means "every two hours".


You can optionally send reports to recipients via the SMTP protocol. To do this, specify the following:

  • SMTP profile to use for sending reports. Подробно о настройке профилей SMTP смотрите в главе Профили оповещений.

  • From: email sender name.

  • Subject: email subject.

  • Body: email body.

  • Recipients: list of the email recipients. The recipients must be added to the lists of the Emails library.

Note Creating a report can take quite a long time and consume a lot of computing resources. It is especially important to consider resource utilization when running reports over a large range of time.

Note To run a report rule, you do not need to enable it and specify the time when the rule is run. You can manually run any report, including a disabled one, by selecting the rule you want from the list of rules and clicking the Run now button. When created, the report appears under Generated reports.