Microsoft Active Directory

If Microsoft Active Directory is used as the source of information, you need:



Step 1. Configure the UserID agent settings for monitor Microsoft AD.

The UserID agent parameters were discussed earlier.

Step 3. Configure the event source.

Configure Microsoft Active Directory as the source. See below for more information on the source settings.

When using AD servers as event sources, UserGate performs WMI queries to search for successful logon events (event ID 4624), Kerberos events (event numbers: 4768, 4769, 4770) and group membership events (event ID 4627). The frequency of the queries execution is defined by the UserID agent settings (Polling interval parameter). The found events are displayed on the Logs and reports, under Logs → Endpoint devices → Events.

When adding an event source of Microsoft Active Directory type, you need to specify the following:




Enable/disable receiving logs from the source.


The source name.


An optional description of the source.

Server address

Microsoft Active Directory address.


AD access protocol (WMI).


The username for connecting to AD.

Custom report templates section, click Add, and provide these settings:




The name of the custom report template.


An optional description of the custom report template.


Select the data source for the template. Available values:

  • Events

  • Traffic

  • Web access

  • IDPS

  • SSH inspection

  • Triggered alerts

  • Endpoint events

  • Endpoint rules

  • Endpoint applications

Filter query

An SQL-like query string that allows you to limit the amount of information used to generate a report based on this template. To construct a query, use field names and values, keywords, and operators. The data fields can be the columns listed below in the Columns field. For keywords and operators with examples of their use, see the Data Search and Filtering section.

Sort by

Specify the data field to sort the data by. The sorting can be in the ascending or descending order.

Group by

Specify the data field to group the data by.


The list of columns available for the specific data source.


The list of columns selected for display in the report.